Edıtorıal Board

P-ISSN: 2146-4839
E-ISSN: 2148-483X
Owner of the Journal
On behalf of the Social Security Institution
Dr. Raci KAYA (President of the Institution)
Responsible Publication Manager
Bünyamin ODABAŞI
Editorial Board
Hasan GENÇ
Öğr. Gör. Tarkan ZENGİN
Oğuzhan TAŞ
Type of Publication: Periodical
Frequency of Publication: Twice a Year
Language: Turkish and English
Professor Yener ALTUNBAŞ - Bangor University - UK
Professor Paul Leonard GALLINA - Bishop’s University - CA
Professor Jacqueline S. ISMAEL - University of Calgary - CA
Professor Özay MEHMET - University of Carleton - CA
Professor Allan MOSCOVITCH - University of Carleton - CA
Professor Mark THOMPSON - University of Biritish Columbia - CA
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevat ACAR – İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Faculty of Business and Management Sciences
Prof. Dr. İsmail AĞIRBAŞ – Ankara University Faculty of Health Sciences
Prof. Dr. Örsan AKBULUT – TODAİE
Prof. Dr. Levent AKIN – Ankara University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Yusuf ALPER – Uludağ University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Dr. Faruk ANDAÇ – Çağ University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Kadir ARICI – Ankara Bilim University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Onur Ender ASLAN – TODAİE
Prof. Dr. Berrin Ceylan ATAMAN – Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences
Prof. Dr. Hayriye ATİK – Erciyes University Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Dr. Zakir AVŞAR – Gazi University Faculty of Communication
Prof. Dr. Ufuk AYDIN – Anadolu University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Remzi AYGÜN – Gazi University School of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman AYHAN – Kıbrıs Ilim University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Serpil AYTAÇ – Uludağ University Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
Prof. Dr. Mehmet BARCA – Ankara Sosyal Bilimler University Faculty of Management
Prof. Dr. Nurşen CANİKLİOĞLU – Marmara University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Fevzi DEMİR – Yaşar University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. A. Murat DEMİRCİOĞLU – Yıldız Tecnical University Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ömer EKMEKÇİ – İstanbul University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. E. Murat ENGİN – Galatasaray University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Hediye ERGİN – Marmara University Faculty of Economics
Prof. Dr. Şükran ERTÜRK – Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Afsun Ezel ESATOĞLU – Ankara University Faculty of Health Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ali GÜZEL – Kadir Has University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Alpay HEKİMLER – Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Oğuz KARADENİZ – Pamukkale University Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Dr. Aşkın KESER – Uludağ University Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Dr. Cem KILIÇ – TOBB ETU Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Dr. Saim OCAK – Marmara University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Ercüment ÖZKARACA Marmara Üniversitesi Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Serdar SAYAN – ETU Economics and Technology University Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ali Nazım SÖZER – Yaşar University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Sarper SÜZEK – Atılım University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Müjdat ŞAKAR – Marmara University Faculty of Economics
Prof. Dr. Savaş TAŞKENT – İstanbul Tecnical University Faculty of Management
Prof. Dr. Ferda YERDELEN TATOĞLU – İstanbul University Faculty of Economics
Prof. Dr. Mehmet TOP – Hacettepe University Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Dr. Türker TOPALHAN – Gazi University Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Dr. Aziz Can TUNCAY – Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. M. Fatih UŞAN – Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Gülbiye YENİMAHALLELİ – Ankara University Faculty of Health Sciences
Doç. Dr. Gaye BAYCIK – Ankara University Faculty of Law
Doç. Dr. Emel ÇETİNKAYA – Sakarya University Faculty of Political Sciences
Doç. Dr. Sinem YILDIRIMALP – Sakarya University Faculty of Political Sciences
1- Journal of Social Security is an international, peer reviewed, scientific journal published twice a year.
2- The papers submitted to Journal of Social Security must be unpublished in elsewhere or not synchronically be in the review process of another publication.
3- Social Security Institution and Journal of Social Security own the copyright of the papers published (written and electronic versions).
4- All manuscripts sent to the journal for publication are first reviewed by the Editorial Board in terms of compliance with the journal's principles. Articles found to be compatible are sent to two referees in the relevant field for evaluation. According to the referee report, corrections are sent to the author, and either published or rejected.
5- The opinions in the articles published in the journal do not reflect the institutional view of the Social Security Institution, all the opinions belong to their authors.
6- The authors are required to scan any manuscript that has undergone the Double Blind Review Evaluation Process, using iThenticate software and submit the final report with the article. The Editor and Editorial Board make the final decision on the article based on the final report.
7- Case review and commentaries are accepted by SGD.
8- Threre is no publication processings charge or publication fee for articles submitted to the journal.
9- Those who send articles to the SGD are considered to have accepted the publication principles of the SGD.